The Session 102: The Wrap Up

First off, I would like to send out a big Thank You TheSessionto everyone who participated in this months edition of The Session. While I threw this topic together quite randomly, I am happy with the response and the direction that the participants have taken it. This was a fun journey and it shows how all over the world we the landscape is changing.

At this time, no one has come forward to publish a topic for The Session #103 in September. If you are interested, do not hesitate to get out there and do it!

Update: The Session #103 has just found a host!

  • Host: Natasha Godard at MetaCookBook
  • Topic: The Hard Stuff

I will update with the announcement post link once it goes live but for the time being, this is what we have to think about.

Update: MetaCookBook has posted her announcement post! Let’s bring up the tough topics and try to fix the issues within the beer community.

I will just go ahead and start off with my post. Allen, from Active Brewer here, and I feel The Landscape Of Beer is about the people. Without us, where would we be? Where will we go? Go ahead and read about it here.

Conrad from In-Between The Brew was the first to join us this month with his post that does not center on the story behind the beers, but the stories of the creators, the stories of those who enjoy it. Without them; past, present, and future, what would there be? It seems we had similar ideas, but went down different routes to get there. You can read that here!

Dan of Community Beer Works out of Buffalo, NY. chimed in with his comedic newsflash of the beer scene from his brewery in 2035. Click over to it here and enjoy the selection of beers you can enjoy, a new addition to the brewery that I will keep secret… which is quite hilarious, so you need to take a look at this, as well as upcoming events, see where politics went wrong, and other musings for your entertainment. Maybe this is where you want to plan a vacation to in about 20 years.

I’ve recently had the opportunity to meet Leslie of Not My Fathers Beer and I love how she brings her personal experiences from the past year.  Things that stuck out in her life was to not to let others, including the past, define you. While the past has it’s merits, the present is not the same as it was. The future will see major changes whether it be through diversity, a change in the major players, and a few other key points that bring on her predictions to the 20×20 goal. Go ahead and read it here!

One of my friends, Charles of Craft Beer Nation, read the initial announcement and many thoughts flew through his head. He left some of what he was thinking in the comments section but also went ahead and expanded upon those thoughts here. Take a look as he brings into perspective what is happening now, what he thinks will happen in the next few years, and how he gives credit where credit is due. He notes facts among the industry; Consistency is king, the business side of the industry, and he even dabbles in how he might make a difference.

I was really happy to see The Beer Nut’s response to my topic. Everyone writes what they know, and he was no exception. The difference is his location. Everyone (in my bubble), is caught up in the American Craft Beer Scene. It is nice to see how things are going in Ireland, especially since I will spend a few years living across the pond. He goes on to talk about a new business that is up and coming which allows those who cannot afford the luxury of brewing on their own terms, to come in and brew a batch that will be shared with others. Go ahead and read his thoughts on those beers here.

Stan, an author who may have a spot on your book shelf and one of the organizers of The Session, kind of threw a bit of what I thought I knew under the bus and backed up onto it… I have more reading to do and I am happy that he included the links I need to find. Check out his post here as he explores the real reasons of the great shift from a historically high number of breweries, the major downshift and revival, plus an analysis on trends that range 20 years into the past… and even questioning if we are in for a trip back to the dark ages in the future. His numbers and facts will make you look at the industry and figure out what is really going on. Growth? Yes, we see it. But numbers are king within the big picture.

Derrick, with his Ramblings of A Beer Runner, pointed out facts that I realized for my self fairly recently. He even uses science to help back up his claims. If only we realized the world of beer is not about the “Gotta Catch ‘Em All” mentality earlier in our days, we would be better armed for the shifts we are seeing now. He goes into those points and give his thoughts for the future. Follow the jump and take a read.

Sean from Beer Search Party writes in to talk about his ideas, with a few disclaimers so they don’t come back to bite him later. He sets them into multiple categories based on his perceived intensity for each outcome. There are a couple of points that I can see happening, and some I have seen happening to myself as I mature in the beer world. His final, “Crazy Prediciton”, is something I am personally looking forward to. What will it be? Head over, take a look, and think about it for yourself.

This month GeistBear chimes in observing my current home and what the scene was like, and what it is now due to the change of a single law. Literally changing The Landscape Of Beer. I was not living here when it happened but I have seen a lot of changes in my short time here. Enough to make my stay in NC very much enjoyable after leaving beer havens such as WA and CA. See what NC is all about and why the Beer Bloggers and Writers Conference picked it as their home in 2015 and Asheville was titled Beer City USA a few year ago, here.

Mark at Kaedrin Beer Blog brings the beer world into perspective by comparing it other industries that skeptics had put doubt into. Considering the aspects of time that he brought up, it is kind of funny seeing the outrage we are having now. The digital age has changed a lot of things, for better or worse, but that also brought on pockets of very unique consumers. This is where we begin to question the outlook on The Landscape Of Beer. Give his post a read and see where we might be within an endless circle.

Jay from A Beer In Hand, says a few things that would make the biggest craft beer nerds SCREAM! But when it comes down to it, put yourself in their shoes. Times are majorly changing and we see it happening all the time. What does that mean? Take a look at his post here, grab a new and exciting beer, then share your thoughts with one another.

Jack from Deep Beer brought things a bit closer to home. The Landscape Of Beer revolved around several aspects for him. All that he could see or touch due to some slight changes that took place over the years. In the most recent years the changes have allowed him to see and share the love of beer with new people and creating a greater selection of products. How does your local area compare to his? Take a look and find out.

The final post that I have currently received comes from the other organizer of The Session, Jay. And what he did to show us the Landscape Of Beer was just perfect. We literally get a look at just what beer is. His first realization, and one of the biggest components of it, takes me to a place that I feel I need to visit. Such history and such beauty. Enter into his world here and see what The Landscape Of Beer is really about.

A commonly occurring theme between a number of post is the realization of a higher level of quality that is needed for new, and existing, craft breweries to strive. It has been pointed out that Anheuser-Busch has impeccable quality and consistency standards that all brewers could take a lesson from and strive to reach in their production. The larger Craft Breweries are moving into that machine like structure. They are making quality beer and their growth is no mistake. For smaller breweries to thrive and make the jump, they will have to follow and do the same.


The Session 102: The Wrap Up

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